Tuesday, 16 April 2013

10 b Big Q

Read the SportStars casestudy on page 155. i) Describe the service that SportStars provides to schools. ii) Why did a gap in the market occur for this service?


  1. Act as a supply teacher with alternative actvitities.
    A gap in the market occured for this service because there was no one occuping that proffesion. From BILLY (SUGAR) MATT AND ERSIN

  2. 1)The service SportsStars provides to school is that they come into primary schools and coach the children sport.
    2) The gap in the market occured for this service as he found child fattness a big problem in the UK and by him starting this type of business could be successful as they need it and that he realised that the teachers were allowed time off to plan and mark work and this meant that they needed supply teachers. This business was cheaper than hiring new supply teachers.


  3. to improve chlidrens heath and motivate them in to sports.
    because not many other people was not starting up this type of company for childerns health. by jake jordan

  4. i)sportstars go in to schools as cover for teachers giving children the chance to get active.
    ii)the gap appeared when they realised that they were cheaper to hire then cover teachers, and if they went into the schools they can get the chilren intrested in sports

    by callum cook

  5. i)A chance to engage younger children in sports, giving teachers time to to do smaller jobs e.g. Planning lessons
    ii) Headteachers had to fill in teaching spaces whilst other teachers had to take time to plan lessons etc. James saw this as a gap in the market as it would fill learning time without the Headteacher doing other jobs.


  6. i) They provide equipment and coaches
    ii) Headteacher have to cover for absent teachers

  7. 1)they service is to keep childern healthy and childern to take part in sport.
    because the headteachers do not have to cover and bring the new teachers

  8. 1)A way to encourage children to participate in sports, such as swimming
    2)It allowed teachers time to plan and mark as well as many children nowadays being obese
