Tuesday, 10 May 2011

10d the BIG question

Read the case study on page 139. Try and spot four things that Stan said which you think are illegal in employment law.


  1. Charlie Nasri...10 May 2011 at 00:58

    1.no disabled access.
    2.Would'nt let older people work.
    3.very low wages.
    4. Pregnant women where not laoud to work in the pub.

  2. 1) part time waitress, not being paid the same as full time.
    2)no disasbled access.
    4 getting rid of an older person because of a cold, for a younger person.

  3. 1. wouldnt let old people work
    2. low wages
    3. no disabled acess
    4. dangerous for pregnant women.

  4. They are suggesting that the waitresses should be paid below minimum wage which is against the law and also they are being discrimating as they wont let someone go into there pub beacuse they are disabled and there are no acess areas fot them to enter the building

  5. the part time waiter are paid less than the full time waiter. He didn't let disabled people work in the pub which isn't fair. And pregnant people have to leave becaus he wont let them work there. He is trying to force the old gardner to retire so he can get a younger person.

  6. - Full time waiter being paid more per hour than the part-time workers.
    - Not allowing maternity leave; if they got pregnant, they would have to leave.
    - Not making the pub wheelchair accessible.
    - Their gardener was too old to legally work.

  7. fireing the gardener for her age
    paying part timers less then full timers
    cant pay others more cause you like them more, and scared to loose him!
    nothaving raps for weelchairs, as they dont THINK disabled people will go there
    they need disabled equitment!
    not allowing a pregnent women to work there
    mike sanders

  8. 1) Part time waitresses are meant to be paid the same rate as a full time waiter.
    2)They can't get the gardener to retire just because he is 65.
    3)You can't lower wages because they get tips.
    4) There are no ramps so he won't employ anyone who is disabled.

  9. 1.) he pays people diffrent wages , some people more then other's , this is wrong because there should be a set amount of money per hour you work .

    2.)disabled , and about the ramp for disabled people .

    3.) the point he made about pregnant women

    4.) and the old man , who did the gardeerning about retiring

  10. No equipment for disabled people, no paternity leave, lower the wage of staff when they are on mimimum wage, makeing someone retire.
    Ian Burden

  11. Max Carrington10 May 2011 at 01:02

    paying the full time workers more because they are good, um not putting a ramp up so no disabled employees could work there, forcing women to leave because they are pregant and you think its dangerous for them to work. forcing elderly people to retire just because he is old and you think he cant work.

  12. paying the full time waiter more, just because he is good and doesnt want to loose him.
    discriminating disabled people, by not putting in a ramp so thatno disabled people could work in the pub.
    when a woman is pregnant he is forcing them to leave their job at the pub.
    forcing elderly people to retire just because he is old, so he can bring in younger staff.

  13. 1) the part time waitresses was being paid the minimum wage but the full time waiter was being paid over a pound an hour more.

    2) he asid that if any of his staff were pregnant then they wold have no choice but to leave.

    3) he didn't have any equipment for disabled people.

  14. mitch:
    the part-time workers are bign paid less that the full time workers per hour.
    hasnt got disabled entrance for disabled people e.g a ramp.
    they dont allow paternity leave, when your pregnant you get fired.

  15. 1) i think it's illegal that the gardener is going to be asked to retire becuase of his age.
    2) it is illegal to pay the partime workers less than the full time. they should be paid equally.

  16. 1)The two part-time waitresses are being bpayed less than the full time waitresses, which isn't allowed; full an part time workers all have to be payed the same per hour.
    2)You cannot go any lower than the minimum wage, tips are a fringe benifit of this job, and do not show on their pay packet, so their wage cannot be lowered.
    3)Law's and regulations say that you have to make everywhere more accessable for the disabled, so choosing not to adapt is illegal.
    4)It's against the law to discriminate against anyone, meaning that you cannot say that a pregnant worker has to leave just because she's pregnant. She has the same rights as every other worker.

    Dayna Potter

  17. 1. no disabled access.
    2. should not fire gardener because of age.
    3. cant lower wages just because they get good tips.
    4.it is illeagal to give part time workers less pay than full time workers
    5. not giving women paternity leave
    craig hudson
