Monday 12 March 2012

10 A big q

Read the Richer Sounds Case Study on page 134 of the Denby text book. Do you like the idea of working for a company with the approach to people management that Richer sounds has? Explain your answer.


  1. I think its a good idea because the staff are becoming more motivated to work and there actually enjoying work. this will help bring money in to the business because the staff will be happy when working and will be good support to customers,
    Josh Taylor

  2. I would like the idea of working for a company like richer sounds and their approach because they make the employees time with them as pleasing and enjoyable as possible. For example they can choose their own dress code and can get loans from the business to buy holiday homes in pklaces such as san tropez. I would want to work and enjoy it at the same time rather than not enjoying it. I think that Richer Sounds have the right idea and most companies should motivate their staff more.
    Andrew Lee

  3. Yes, because if you do not enjoy the job then you will not aspire to do the job well, however if you feel the job is fun and entertaining then you will work hard to make sure you keep the job and you keep earning those bonus' provided for giving suggestions and good work.

    Connor Wilson

  4. i would enjoy to work in a company with the approach to people manergement that richer sounds has because it is easy going and a fun place to work

  5. Yes because I like the idea of being able to have fun while at work. I think that it would encourage me to put more effort into the work that I'd do. Also, the idea of giving rewards for good service is a good idea because It motivates the staff. I also like the idea of free facials

  6. i think that what they do it a great idea, because if you are not happy with your working environment and you work then you can voice your opinion and people will listen, also they want to make you feel relaxed and so you enjoy working. this is good because then you want to work and you will put more effort into your work, also you can work in an environment that you enjoy and like.

    Sam Edwards

  7. The idea of working for a company that values employee motivation is a good idea because it means you would want to go to work and therefore benefitting the business as they are more likely to work more, while also using that to their advantage to create suggestions on what to do, but without making them feel exploited, keeping them enthusiastic and not causing any problems for the business.

    Adam Walker

  8. having this type of management and motivation is good and i think it works because people would be happy to go there and work there. they go because they want to. it is good because they can have fun while they are working and wont feel under pressure to get the sales in or to do things on time because they are relaxed but still get all the work done. and they are rewarding so your always been recognised for the hard work you do

    Lucy Kyne.

  9. I would like working at richer sounds, because it seems laid back, but at the same time they get results. If people are happy where they work, then they are likely to work and try harder resulting in more profit for the business. Also by offering rewards like massages etc aswell as generous salaries, it give people a reason for working hard. As there is no dress code, it means people can sit more comfortably and not get all hot and sweaty sitting in a suit. I feel this is a very good approach to work, aslong as people still see it as somewhere to work and not just somewhere to have fun. I think there 5 points about, Rewards, fun, communication, recognition and loyalty.

    Rick Taylor

  10. I do like the idea of their approach to people management at Richer sounds because it gets the best out of employees if they enjoy their job. If they enjoy the job they want to keep it and as a result they are loyal and get "perks" Like free facials, massages and holiday homes in nice locations such as Venice. It makes them enjoy it more and make it not feel like work to them but a fun activity and not a chore.

    James Yau

  11. i do indeed.because it seems a beter way to aprotch it by that they can speak about anything and feel better about working there and by that they can feek happier working there so they will get the job done faster.

    - harry ruddus

  12. i would like to work their because the motavation to the employees are very good. for example you can wear any clothes you want to and the loan of holidays.

    zak smeeth

  13. i do like the idea as its seems to bring out the best in the employees potential and they enjoy working there. the employees can also be themseleves as there is no dress code and there is no pressure. employees can be relaxed whilst working instead of being stressed. There are also a lot of rewards involved, and if an employee isnt happy then there feelings and points will always be considered.

  14. I like the idea because it makes the employies want to work rather than just turn up. It changes the look the employiess has and makes them work there hardest because they get rewarded.
    Matt Young

  15. i think that the idea of having a boss that you can approch if you have any troubles or questions about the business is a good way to work this would also help people work harder and also in the text it said 86 percent were pround so they were happy too.

    kaine applegate

  16. I think their approach is a good idea because the staff enjoy their work so they are motivated to do more and to do it well. Also as people are willing to give their ideas it could improve the business. And it looks good on the business too as it is seen as a good place to work.

    Kevin Jimenez

  17. I think the idea that allowing your employees to have fun whilst working is a brilliant idea, it brings employees closer and allows them the free will to communicate and laugh with each other. Also it would encourage staff to want to work, allowing them to get promotions after working, etc. Another good thing about the idea is that they recognise when someone has/is done/doing well, for example they give a £5 bonus to anyone that gives an idea towards the company; evidence this helps in that each employee gives around 20 ideas a year and earns about £100 bonus each year. Also the rewards and recognition motivates workers to work more and work with a positive attitude.

    -Brandon Christian

  18. I do like the idea working for Richer with the approach to people management because when you do the job you should have motivation to do a good job and this is a key point to make the business sucessful. working is not all about working hard and taking every thing seriously all the time its also about having fun and communicationg with their fellow companions.being able to communicate with people within the business makes the business successful as well. if the envionment people are working in is all about working hard then they will feel under pressure and quit the job.
    Sofia Budha
