Monday 8 October 2012

11A The BIG question

Read the Cadbury plc case study on page 179. Note that this case study was written before Cadbury was taken over by Kraft Food plc in 2010. What was different about the way Cadbury grew in 1969 to how it grew in its first hundred and forty five years of trading?


  1. They started by using retained profits for growing.
    They merged in 1969 with schwepps. Cause of them merging shared resources. The merge meant that the two businesses became one business.

    1. This meant they grew bigger and when Kraft took over they kept growing as it kept its name.

    2. the difference was that they grew differently, they grew internally back in the day and now grow externally as they have merged.

    3. naa ur lying

  2. In 1969, Cadbury's grew by merging with Schweppes (Growing Externally) which benefitted them as they were both able to save money by sharing delivery networks,management teams and a distribution network. Before they used their profits that they made by running his store to grow internally by opening new stores and a factory.

    James Yau

  3. In 1969, Cadbury's grew by merging with Schwepps. This is different to how they grew in the first 145 years of trading because they used to keep profit that they made from their products and then use that money to expand and make more factories.

  4. They started by using retained profits for growing.
    They merged in 1969 with schwepps. Cause of them merging shared resources this helped them grow even more. The merge meant that the two businesses became one large business.

    kaine applegate

  5. The difference between how Cabury grew before and after 1969 is that before, it used its retained profits to expand the business internally with an organic growth, whereas in 1969 they merged with Schweppes and started to expand the business externally by taking over other brands.

    Adam Walker

  6. Andy Lee
    Before 1969, Cadbury's was its own business. It grew by gaining more and more stores in which they sold their products in. They also had more factories to keep up with the demand for the chocolate. When they merged with Schwepps in 1969, they saved money by sharing things like delivery lorries and the management team.

  7. Lucy Kyne
    Before 1969, cadbury's grew by expanding their business by moving to a different area and setting up a bigger factory and had areas for its workers to live. IN 1969 they did a merger with Schweppes and this meant that they didnt just do chocolate products they did drinks etc. aswell. These are different because before they were physically making their business bigger with more and bigger factories etc. but the merger meant they could stay where they were but they could have more products covering a wider market.

  8. In 1969 Cadbury started to grow externally by merging with the drink brand schweppes. This allowed both companies to save money on things like deliveries because they could share lorries and a distribution network. The merged companies then expanded again by taking over confectionery manufacturers such as Dr Pepper and Bassets. Before 1969, the company expanded internally by using retained profits.

    Alex Fuller

  9. jamie Bobillier

    in the first 145 years it grow in a orgaic way by using its retained profits to then eventualy get the factory but when schweppes joined them in 1962 the grow exsternaly and then took over other companies such as bassetts and sold liceances to other compinaies to make other products such as the flake 99which helped in there exstenal exspantion but then when schweppes left in 2008 cadbuarys had lost some of the products that schweppe took with them

  10. In 1969 the Cadbury company combined with Schweepes. This allowed them to save money by sharing a management team. Later,they started to expand the business externally. whereas, before they used retained profits to pay to extend its business, internally.

  11. cadburys first grew by moving from a coffee shop in birmingham to a large factory 4 miles from birmingham in bournville. They did this to give their workers a healthier environment as they were at the heart of the business. Then in 1969 they grew differently because they merged with the company schweppes this meant they could cut cost because they could combine market teams, delivery lorries etc as well as reaching a wider audience because they were murged with another very large company who already have a lot of customers. Cadburys went from producing all their products to instead outsourcing some of them like the ice creams and chocolate fingers, so they still have their name on the product but dont have to pay for packaging or making them.
    Rick Taylor

  12. Matt young
    In 1969 Cadbury merged with Schweppes. This was differant to the other 145 years of trading and grwoth because it was external. This means that the source of growth came from outside the business it self. As opposed to using there own profits to open new shops and factories.

  13. Cadbury grew organically during the first hundred and forty five years by using retained profit to expand out of the tea shop into a factory/workers village in bournville.
    The way cadburys expanded changed in 1969 as they merged with schweppes, they went on to buy Dr Pepper and Orangina and other confectionary brands.
    They went from producing all their products to allowing other companies to manufacture products with their brand name under license. Such as Cadbury Fingers and 99 Flake.
    They then demerged in 2008, The drinks side of production became Dr Pepper Snapple Inc.
    This way of growing is seen as a higher risk but faster way to grow.

    Connor Wilson

  14. They started as a small business and gradually grew making hot chocolate drinks in Birmingham. after a while they set up a factory a while away from Birmingham so that they could have a nicer working environment. The business merged with the soft drinks company Schweppes. They shared a Managment team which could help them save money.

  15. In 1969 Cabury's merged with the company called Schweppes. By mergering with Schweppes it allowed Cabury's to become more diverse and saved them money on sharing the management team, network and distrubution links. Before joining with Schweppes they expanded the business internally (Organic growth), and reatined there profits , where as in 1969 they expanded the business externally.

  16. Before 1969 the business used retained profits to expand organically, on the other hand in 1969 they merged with schweppes and saved money in marketing and distribution, soon Cadburies took over more confectionery manufacturers and more companies joined the brand therefore cadburies gained many new products which were from other companies.



  18. in 1879 cadburys was using external business business growths which means they grow slowly but kept a retained profit. but then in 1969 they were internal because they joint up with schweeps and expanding the business. this meant they were a merger and got profit quicker.
