Thursday, 3 November 2011

11d Big Question

Delayering is the process of making an organisation's management structure flatter i.e. getting rid of layers of management. Expalin one good point and one bad point of a business delayering.


  1. a message from the director will reach the employees quicker. however if each director has alot of employees they can feel like they dont get alot of attension and could put the director in stress
    ike sanders

  2. a good point wouldbe that if there are less layers then there would be less confusion when passing messages to the bottom of the organisation.
    however by getting rid of layers this could mean that they are addign more people width ways. this means 1 person will have a lot more people to control, making it more difficult to control their sector.

  3. one good point is there would be less layers then there was so less confusion for the business when trying to get out information.

    one bad point will be 1 person will have a lot more people control which will put the boss under stress and we may have to do a lot more work.

  4. One good point of a business delayering is that the message, will not getting distorted. And a bad point is that some of the workers might have a bigger span of control so will get really stressed.

    Chloe Orange

  5. on advantage of deylarering is that information gets passed down easier and it is more reliable information. a disadvantage of this is that you have do fire people so you will loose employees creating un employment causing the business to get smaller.
    Craig Hudson

  6. Good point - if information is passed down the chain of command, it is less likely to be distorted as it won't have to travel as far as it would in a tall structure to reach every employee.
    Bad point - there is a higher span of control for managers as they have to manage more people, and so they will be under more stress as responsibilities won't have been shared.

  7. A good point of a business delayering is that passing down instructions is much easier and will cause less fuss and bother and there are less people on a layer.

    A bad point of delayering a business it that one person would have a wide span of control as theres so many people, this could cause strtess and wrong instructions being passed down through the company.

    Joe (....oli with out!K.O.)

  8. A good point of a business delayering is that passing down instructions is much easier and will cause less fuss and bother and there are less people on a layer.

    A bad point of delayering a business it that one person would have a wide span of control as theres so many people, this could cause strtess and wrong instructions being passed down through the company.
    ( billy ) lewis is going to ..........

  9. A good point of a business delayering is that passing down instructions is much easier and will cause less fuss and bother and there are less people on a layer.

    A bad point of delayering a business it that one person would have a wide span of control as theres so many people, this could cause strtess and wrong instructions being passed down through the company.

    Joe (....knock oli white out!K.O.)

  10. One good point of delayering within a company is that if information such as the monthly goal, has to get from the top to the bottom, then there are less layers that the information has to travel through. A disadvantage of delayering is that positions such as managers have a larger span of control, which may mean that lower level workers of subordinates feel less close to their managers, have to much freedom and may go off course on the work they're meant to do.

  11. Bradley Wooflord3 November 2011 at 02:06

    Messages can get to other people faster because it doesn't have to go through so many people. But it puts lots of strees on the manager because they have loads of people to manage.

  12. Good point:
    Messages are less likely to change from upper layers to lower layers, therefore a the message is more likely to stay the same.

    Bad point:
    One person would have lots of people to manage therefore they may not to be able to manage very well if they have too many people to manage as the managers have to much responsibility.

  13. a good point of delayering, is thatn it would decrese the amount of layers in the structure. the lower amount of layers the better because it means that there is less chance that a message might be changed as it gets passed down the chain. however a bad point of this would be that, some people would prefer to have a tall structure. this is because they might like to delegate work to people. however if they have a flat organisational structure then it wouldnt be possibly to do this.

  14. a good point of delayering an organisations management is messages go through less people so they will not be changed or not reach the person it was meant to go to, a bad point is each layer will have a bigger span of control and might be too busy to control them all and some will be neglected
    Hannah Cole

  15. because it would be quicker to get information down to people, however if they take layers out(spand control) then the bosses will have more people to deal with.
    alfie(the don is at work)borszcz

  16. Its good because it passes some instructions down but it is bad because it could go wrong when the instructions are passed down

  17. a good point would be that it would take less time for information to travel through and it would get to the person it was suppose to go to, a bad point would be that they would be taking more layers out so that would mean that there would be a bigger spand of control

  18. good point = making information easier to get around.
    bad point = less people working for company so slower progress when expanding your company name ect
    mitchell ricky lucas <3 xoxoxoxoxox

  19. it is good because there will be less people to go through to tell your plans , things wont get changed .
    it is bad because they might me important to the company , and with them going it could impact on the people who they manage

