Tuesday, 20 September 2011

the BIG question...

Last lesson on eof the key objectives was: To know the advantages and disadvantages of locating overseas (especially in terms of minimising costs and increasing revenues)

Show that you have achieved this objective by explaining the advantages and disadvantages of locating abroad.


  1. Advantages- Cheaper labour different countries have lower minimum wage. Some materials are cheaper abroad
    Disadvantages- Language barrier can cause confusion, Different lwas and regulations in other countries.

    Brap, Brap, Brap to ma homies and tings...

  2. Locating abroad can have different effects for different businesses. Advantages include cheaper labour, the absence of restricting laws, and even cheaper resources. Disadvantages could be the introduction of restricting laws, the effect it has on stake holders, resources could be more expensive or the business might just not work. The language barrier can also pose a massive problem.

    U GET ME?

  3. The advantages of locating abroad include:
    - A bigger, more demanding market.
    - Cheaper workers
    - Cheaper production costs

    The disadvantages of locating abroad include:
    - Extremely expensive.
    - Workers in the UK might be made redundant.
    - The owner and other internal stakeholders have to learn a new language and adapt to their culture, laws, etc.
    - It is fairly risky.
    - The relationships between the owner and their family might be affected.

  4. An advantage of a business re-locating abroard is that in areas like china and india labour is cheeper so you can pay less for production, also raw materials might be cheeper so you can make more product for the same anount of cost.
    A disadvantage is that when you move abroad people will loose jobs which can be bad for the area which you are leaving.

  5. some advantags are that there may be cheaper labour, access to recources, avoid protectionist measures.

    some bad points may be that there are different rules or regulations, make people lose there jobs in the first country but people will gain jobs in the other country

  6. Advantages:
    -costs of matirials and labour would be cheaper
    -land to build factories would also be cheaper
    -it will widen the market avalable

    -Workers may lose jobs during the process
    -The language barrier will effect communications
    -laws may be different

  7. The advantages of locating abroad are that you will most likely be able to find a cheaper place to base manufacturing, you will also be able to hire your workforce for a cheaper salary, you will be closer to your raw materials meaning that you will be paying less to transport them.
    Some of the disadvantages are that teh rules and regulations might be different meaning that you might have to alter the way you manufacture your product, it mgiht cost you more to ship your products back to the UK as well, also each person only has a certain quota of goods that they can ship at a time whcih may hinder your business.

  8. the advantages of locating abroad are that there will be cheaper labour and a disavantage is that if the place you move to people speak a different language

  9. Advantages:
    -cheaper costs
    - more popular

    -language barriers
    -different laws

  10. some of the advantages of locating abroad are:

    lower cost producing products.

    the population of the area may be higher meaning more customer.

    easy access to resources.

    some of the disadvantages of locating abroud are:

    people may lose thier jobs.

    there may be difdferent rules or regulations in the new location.

  11. language barrier which could cause confusion.
    Different laws and regulations.

    Cheap labour
    new custoemrs

  12. cheaper to produce good overseas
    customer could lose intrest the business

  13. the advantage - cheaper labour
    the disadvantage - they speak another language

  14. Advantages: You will able to minimise the costs of the products you are selling from the business and will not have to spend to much of staff as they may work for cheaper and cheaper resources from the supliers.
    Disadvantage: People who work were you worked before will lose there jobs and there will be language barrier between the customers and staff as they might speak another language and there may be different laws in the country.

  15. Advantages - You will be able to reduce the costs of manufactoring products, be able to employ cheaper labour for your factory and be near your resources, so you won't have pay as much for shipping goods to the factory.
    Disadvantages - You will need to find supliers in other countries, which will take time. Also people will be put out of work, due to overseas employment being cheaper. Last there will be a language barrier, due to the people near the new factory not speaking the same language.

  16. advantages:
    .potential for more revenue
    .cheaper labour
    .cheaper land

    .shipping costs
    .may lose loyal customers
    .suppliers may lose customers

  17. The advantages of locating abroad is that the procut you will be selling will be cheaper to make and can be sold to a different variety of people. Furthermore, cheap labor is also an option locating abroad.Disadvantages of locating abroad is that is extremly expensive to move to a different counrty and also the owner and the other internal stakeholders have to learn a new language and adapt to their culture laws etc.

  18. Locating abroad can have different effects for different businesses. Advantages include cheaper labour, the absence of restricting laws, and even cheaper resources. Disadvantages could be the introduction of restricting laws, the effect it has on stake holders, resources could be more expensive or the business might just not work. The language barrier can also pose a massive problem.

  19. The advantages of locating aboard are that labour is cheaper, the works take less money to make the goods, there is access to all the resoures in a country with cheaper labour. The financial incentives are less so that means the business won't go out of business paying for the rent and can be spent on materialss. This will help avoild proctectionist measures (tafiffs etc) by locationg withing a country rather then exporting the goods to anothers, and this will improve a growing market.
    However the disadvantages therefore are that there is different cultures/ beliefs in other countries so you need to respect that. Another disadvantage is there are different rules and regulations outside of the Eu so make sure you do your reach and learn some of the language of where you going as there will be language barriers.

  20. Advantages:
    - Byeing raw goods can be less expensive
    - The coast of rent or bying a property will be less
    - Labor might be cheeper


    - The coast of moving overseas
    - People will loss there jobs

  21. advantages:
    - labor might be cheapper
    - cheapepr to rent or buy
    - can sell in the other country
    - cheapper raw goods
    - people will lose there jobs if you go over seas
    - the move might cost alot

  22. Advantages:
    - Land may be cheaper.
    - May be less competition in that area.
    - Local government may provide incentives. (Cheaper taxes etc.)
    - Puts a lot of people out of work.
    - May cost a lot of money to move the business out there.
    - Unless you move with the company, it may become increasingly difficult to run the business.

  23. bad mans on a block20 September 2011 at 06:27

    advantages- cheaper labour in differnt countries because it harder to get jobs in other countries
    disadvantages- differnet laws in other countries, and the launguage barrier can be confussing .

  24. disadvantages include workers lose their jobs
    Advantages include cheap stuff

  25. Product - what the business is selling
    Promotion - How the business adervitses the product to the public.
    Place - Where ther eproduct is sold
    Price - |How much the produt costs to buy, also to make.

  26. Product- what they sell

    Promotion- how well they sell their products as a business, advertisements

    Place- where the business is located

    Price- how much the products they sell are

  27. product-is the product made out of quiltys goods

    promotionis it well advertised

    place is it where they are going to get alot customers

    price is the product worth what they are charging

  28. The four p's are: product,place,price,promotion.
    Promotion- is where the business advertise the product to try get people to buy it.
    Place- is where the business is set (where the product is sold)
    Price- The amount you are charging for the product.
    Product- the thing you are selling.

  29. 4 P's
    Product - The product is usually picign the right one to sell in the gap of the market where there is high demand for that product.
    Price - the price has to be right as you cant rip people off however you need to set it to make god profit/ If you have a high asking price you have a low demand but if you have a low askin price you have a high demand.
    Place - The place is vital as you need to put your business where people will be interested. Woulld sell ice to eskimos thats what i always say :P ;)
    Promotion - The promotion is important not to spend too much however you need to use money to get your business well known and for people to recognise it like everyone recognises the meer kat for compare the market.

  30. Russell "cricket player" Golding21 September 2011 at 04:30

    4 P's
    Product - the product has to be good to sell
    Price - THe price has to be right to sell
    Place - The place needs to be right to get customers
    Promotion - Enough promotion needs to be used to get the customers

    All of the p's work to together, if one "P" Is not there the business will not work.....

    Good night to you all and to all a good night.

  31. Product:The good or service the company sell

    Place: Where the company is

    Price: How much the product is

    Promotion: How the product is advertised

  32. The Four Ps of the Marketing Mix:
    Product - The product or service itself; what is being sold to the customers.
    Price - The pricing of the company's products. If it is too high, consumers may be unwilling to buy it. If it is too low, consumers might be suspicious of the product's quality and not buy it.
    Place - Where the product is sold, or its company's headquaters or outlet. It should be close to and accessible for the target market otherwise they won't discover the business or visit it again.
    Promotion - How the company promotes themselves and their products. Advertisements on radio, in newspapers, on billboards and via social media are all forms of promotion.

  33. p-price - the price the good or service is
    p-place - where the business is located
    p-promotion - how well the the good or service is promoted
    p-product - wgat the product is and who its amied at

  34. product - is the product of good quality?

    promotion - is the product advertisement done well?

    place - is the product accessible

    price - is the price reasonable for the product?

  35. The fours p's?

    The four p's are place, promation,price,product.

    Place- is if the business is located in the right place so that people will go to the business to spend money.

    Promation- best way of promation? Tv advertisng, posters make a tv show to make4 people notice your business.
    Price- is your product mat a set price where peole aren't going to complain about it? Is the customer satisfied witht he product and they are willing to pay a good...
    Price- for it noing its at a set price and its make with good quality.

  36. The four P's of the marketing mix are price product, place and promotion and they are all as important as each other, it is impossible to have an extremely successful business if you have ignored one of the four p's for example if you had an amazing product but did not promote it then you would not sell as many, on the otehr hand if you had a good business location but were selling your product for far to much you would again not sell many.

  37. points you should think about if you are a business when looking at the 4p's:
    Product- is the product suit the demand, are there any falts with it?
    Place- where can i get the product or service is it widly avaliable?
    promotion- is it promoted and is the promotion good and does the promotion suit the target mareket.
    Price- is the price right, is it too expensive?

  38. product- the product that is beeing sold

    promotion- how the business decide to sell it

    price- how much the product is being sold for

    place - where the product will be sld

  39. The 4 P's
    Product- this is what a business might produce, it has to be to a high standard and be good value for money.
    Price- the price is set by the business itself, it cant be too expensive, but if its too cheap it might seem the product is bad.
    Promotion- this is what a business does to try get people interested in there product eg. billboards, tv adverts.
    Place- where the business is located is important because people need to be able to accsess the business easily.

  40. Product - whether its a good or a service, it's what your selling, it has to be of decent quality so that a bad reputation is not aheived.

    Price - how much the product costs, people won't pay too much for a product, but if its costs too little people will think the quality is bad.

    Promotion - If noone knows about your product, how can you expect people to purchase it?

    Place - if the location is in the wrong place, too far away from nessecary resources, but people will not go out of their way to buy something they don't really need.

  41. Price - This is what the business will sell it to the customer, if the price is too expensive no one will buy it, but if its too cheap people will think its bad quality.
    Place - You must set your business up in a area near customer, if you put it too far away people might not want to travel there or shop there.
    Promotion - You must promote your product otherwise the customers will not no it is out there.
    Product - You must sell a product that the people actually want, otherwise no one will purchase it, and you will make a loss.

  42. bad mans on a block21 September 2011 at 04:32

    p-price- the price the good or service is ...
    p-place-where the business is located
    p-promotion- how well is the service promoted
    p-product- what the product is and who is it aimed at.

  43. product - the product that is beeing sold
    promotion - how the business decide to sell it
    price - how much the product is
    place - where the product will be sold

  44. Price- This is how much the business will sell the products it sell for if it will be cheap or if it will be expensive.
    Place - This is were the will set up like if it will open up in a town center or some where else
    Promotion- This is promote your product to the customers so that it will get sold and people will buy it for a time.
    Product- This is the thing which you are selling to customers

  45. the four p's of the marketing mix are product, price, promotion and place ,

    product is all about what products you make and the quality of that product the better the product and what it is will affect the amount of sales.

    price is how much you charge your customer for your product/service and how that influences sales and profit greatly.

    the place is all about where your business is located and how that effects the success of the business and the production costs and the demand may be better in a certain area.

    promotion is how you show off your product if you have a eye catching promotion yyou will make more sales once again improving salesc
