Monday, 12 September 2011

The Big Question....

What are 5 news stories that relate to business that you have seen over the summer?


  1. - America debt, links with the economy and budgeting and how to spend money.
    - Greece Euro, the euro in greece is going down linked to the global market story which is falling due to debt
    - Football Transfers, Linked due to things like budgeting and money transfer to other clubs for players
    - carmakers feel that sales might weaken, people saving money and budgeting due to inflation and not being able to afford new cars

    Andrew Lee

  2. The riots because they destroyed people businesses.

    Callum Dyke

  3. Banks had trouble with loans and people paying too much money?

    It is related to Business, because it is to do with people's Money and Finances.


  4. London Riots, banks to face major reorganisation, Exchange Rates go down, Petrol Prices gowing up, People afraid to leave house because of london riots :)

    Connor Wilson

  5. Football transfers - The players cost money and the managers have to pay out there money to give to the players and they have to watch there budget.

    America's debt - this also links with business and how money is spent.

    Joshua Taylor

  6. London riots, the rioters broke into the businesses and stole the goods and so they businesses loose money because they have to replace all the goods that were stolen, also they businesses that were not broken into were effected because shops didnt open for a few days afterwards because they were affraid the riots would start up again and so they lost out on business and money.

    Sam Edwards

  7. 1- Carsmakers fear sales might weaken

    I think this is related to business because is to do with financal business, and if sales drop then the car company might go bankrupt or not be able to pay staff.

    Jade Hall

  8. exchange rates went down

    london roits

    petrol prices go up

    peter shepherd

  9. Habitat Shut Down.
    It is a business that has gone bankrupt.

    Pirates kiddnapped Women.
    They kiddnapped her for money, which is linked to business.

    New Dragon in Dragons Den.
    Dragon's Den in a business show, and she is an Entreprenuer.

    Drought in Africa, Kenya.
    We gave Kenya money and water to help out, therefore business is effected.

    Riots in England.
    businesses got robbed and lost everything so their business is therfore gone.

    Brandon and Jamie.

  10. 1) American nearly went under. This is business beacause loads of peolple would have lost jobs.
    2)Sony sued by LG. Sony were not aloud to ship to a distribution factory in rotterdam.
    3) Htc seuing apple
    4)SAAB went under
    Matt Young

  11. tesco money got robbed.
    the roits destroyed business.
    htc are going to sew apple over copy right issues.

  12. 1. Football transfers-It involves money being transfered and people going to different clubs.

    2. Global market slow down- inflation on products(prices of products going up) which can cause a lot of trouble for business.

    3. Car makers fear loss of sales- the company could go bankrupt as people are not buying cars meaning they cant pay for staff.

    4. The Riots- It has cost the country millions to repair effecting the economy.

    5. Pension age brought forward- because people are living longer companies are having to pay employers more money for their pension.

    Rick Taylor

  13. 1. Football transfers - Involves different clubs and sales of players to them.
    2. Global Market slow down - Inflation of products marking the finacial market slower.
    3. England's Riots - It has cost the Country money to repair the damage.
    4. Japanese earthquake & Tsunami - Businesses were destroyed aswell Japan and other countries having to invest back into the country such as medical aid etc.

    James Yau

  14. 1. America debt - Effects the global economy and created a market slow down

    2. Football transfers - Money being spent and given to different clubs, linked to bugeting

    3. Japanise earthquake - business's effected through not being able to make sales

    4. England riots - Tax rise due to council fixing london up

    5. Chinese records hit record high - helping economy grow

    Alex Fuller

  15. 1.america bankrupt its business because people would have lost jobs.
    2.europe nearly went bankrupt this is business because trade could not take place. got sued by LG this stop import and the company lost loads of money
    4.german courts upholds apples design claim
    5.voltswaggen and porshe merge delay
    kaine appplegate

  16. Hurricanes in America
    - Destroys the economy by ruining houses
    New Dragon in Dragon's Den
    - May help new businesses start up
    Droughts in Somalia
    - Some people spend money on charity rather than on businesses
    Microsoft experiencing problems with online services
    - Causes Microsoftto lose profit and reliability
    Riots in main cities
    - High losses to business due to theft

    By Adam Walker

  17. Hurricane in america
    -destroys the economy

    New dragon in dragon's den
    -a buisness program

    droughts in Somalia
    -destroys economy

    Microsoft experiencing problems
    -a large buisness failing

    Riots in London, and main cities
    -loads of buisness ruined due to crime

    by Kevin Jimenez

  18. The Riots, because when people broke into the shops they smashed lots of properties (e.g windows) and stole expensive things (e.g TV). so then the shop owner has to get it rebuild and that will take lots of money. After the riot ended people still didnt want to come outside because they were afraid of the riots and therfore the shops won't earn any proftis.

    Sofia Budha

  19. twin towers,after 10 years has boosted sales in business bradey fowler

  20. ratios- i think it links to business because the shops were completely destroyed by them so its defficult to re-biuld the bussiness as before.
    sandhya ale
