Wednesday, 28 September 2011

the BIG question...

Last lesson you learned about the product lifecycle. Briefly read this article. At what stage of the product lifecycle do HP think PCs are at? Do you think they have made a good decision?

The BIG question...

Last lesson you learned about the product lifecycle. Briefly read this article. At what stage of the product lifecycle do HP think PCs are at? Do you think they have made a good decision?

Sunday, 25 September 2011

the BIG question...

Give an example of a business for each stage in the production chain.

the BIG question...

Last lesson you learned about identifying gaps in the market. Sometimes gaps in the market occur because the market is growing meaning there is space for new businesses. Gaps in the market can also be in the form of a niche (pronounced neesh) market. Explain, giving an example if possible, what a niche market is.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

the BIG question...

Last lesson on eof the key objectives was: To know the advantages and disadvantages of locating overseas (especially in terms of minimising costs and increasing revenues)

Show that you have achieved this objective by explaining the advantages and disadvantages of locating abroad.

the BIG question...

What are the four factors of production and what would happen if any of them were missing?

the BIG Question...

Last lesson you learned about six reasons for starting a business. List and describe, as many of these as you can remember without looking at last lesson's work.

Monday, 12 September 2011

the BIG question...

Explain two reasons why an entrepreneur might start up their own business:

the Big Question...

You have three minutes to write your Christmas list to Father Christmas.

the BIG question...

You have 3 minutes to write your Christmas list to Father Christmas. Write as many things as you like.

The Big Question....

What are 5 news stories that relate to business that you have seen over the summer?

Thursday, 8 September 2011

the BIG question...

What are 5 news stories that relate to business that you have seen over the summer?

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

the BIG Question...

Last lesson you learned about the business objectives of a growing business. Explain two possible objectives that a growing business might have.

the BIG question...

Last lesson you learned about the business objectives of a growing business. Explain two possible objectives that a growing business might have.