Can you think of five things to do with market research? These could be to do with methods of research, reasons for carrying out research and ways to present research findings.
This blog is used to set lesson engagement activities (bell work) for Mr Clarke's business studies students.
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Sunday, 11 December 2011
10A The BIG Question...
Read this article. With
shops cutting prices to try and boost sales in the run up to Christmas, which
stakeholders are benefitting and which are losing out? Try and explain your
answer. Remember, a stakeholder is anyone with an interest in a business.
10x The BIG question...
Read this article. With
shops cutting prices to try and boost sales in the run up to Christmas, which
stakeholders are benefitting and which are losing out? Try and explain your
answer. Remember, a stakeholder is anyone with an interest in a business.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
10X Big Question
Why do you think the Farnham Sainsbury's superstore chose to locate on Waterlane?
Thursday, 3 November 2011
11d Big Question
Delayering is the process of making an organisation's management structure flatter i.e. getting rid of layers of management. Expalin one good point and one bad point of a business delayering.
11A Big Question
Delayering is the process of making an organisation's management structure flatter i.e. getting rid of layers of management. Expalin one good point and one bad point of a business delayering.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
The big question:
The big question: Explain two reasons why it is important for a business to set objectives
The big question
Explain two reasons why it is important for a business to set objectives
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
11A Controlled assessment
Which company are you uisng and why?
Monday, 17 October 2011
10x BIG question
Which stakeholders are going to be interested and why in the proposed Morrisons supermarket and cinema development in Aldershot?
10 A the BIG question...
Which stakeholders are going to be interested and why in the proposed Morrisons supermarket and cinema development in Aldershot?
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Big Question
1) Lesson engagement task- The BIG question: Last lesson you learned about identifying gaps in the market. Sometimes gaps in the market occur because the market is growing meaning there is space for new businesses. Gaps in the market can also be in the form of a niche (pronounced neesh) market. Explain, giving an example if possible, what a niche market is. |
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
the BIG question...
Last lesson you learned about the product lifecycle. Briefly read this article. At what stage of the product lifecycle do HP think PCs
are at? Do you think they have made a good decision?
The BIG question...
Last lesson you learned about the product lifecycle. Briefly read this article. At what stage of the product lifecycle do HP think PCs
are at? Do you think they have made a good decision?
Sunday, 25 September 2011
the BIG question...
Give an example of a business for each stage in the production chain.
the BIG question...
Last lesson you learned about identifying gaps in the market. Sometimes gaps in the market occur because the market is growing meaning there is space for new businesses. Gaps in the market can also be in the form of a niche (pronounced neesh) market. Explain, giving an example if possible, what a niche market is.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
the BIG question...
Last lesson on eof the key objectives was: To know the advantages and disadvantages of locating overseas (especially in terms of minimising costs and increasing revenues)
Show that you have achieved this objective by explaining the advantages and disadvantages of locating abroad.
Show that you have achieved this objective by explaining the advantages and disadvantages of locating abroad.
the BIG question...
What are the four factors of production and what would happen if any of them were missing?
the BIG Question...
Last lesson you learned about six reasons for starting a business. List and describe, as many of these as you can remember without looking at last lesson's work.
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Monday, 12 September 2011
the BIG question...
Explain two reasons why an entrepreneur might start up their own business:
the Big Question...
You have three minutes to write your Christmas list to Father Christmas.
the BIG question...
You have 3 minutes to write your Christmas list to Father Christmas. Write as many things as you like.
The Big Question....
What are 5 news stories that relate to business that you have seen over the summer?
Thursday, 8 September 2011
the BIG question...
What are 5 news stories that relate to business that you have seen over the summer?
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
the BIG Question...
Last lesson you learned about the business objectives of a growing business. Explain two possible objectives that a growing business might have.
the BIG question...
Last lesson you learned about the business objectives of a growing business. Explain two possible objectives that a growing business might have.
Monday, 4 July 2011
10D the BIG question...
One of Vodafone's main aims is linked to 'corporate social responsibility' (CSR). This is a measure of how well the business treats the communities and environment in which it operates (e.g. community projects to help alleviate poverty in third world countries and eco frindly projects to reduce their carbon footprint such as recycling). In 2008 they even won an award for their CSR, proof that they have made good progress towards achieving their aim.
Question: Why do you think Vodafone see CSR as so important? How might it help them be more successful?
Question: Why do you think Vodafone see CSR as so important? How might it help them be more successful?
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Monday, 27 June 2011
10a the BIG question...
Read the Cadbury plc case study on page 179. Note that this case study was written before Cadbury was taken over by Kraft Food plc in 2010.
What was different about the way Cadbury grew in 1969 to how it grew in its first hundred and forty five years of trading?
What was different about the way Cadbury grew in 1969 to how it grew in its first hundred and forty five years of trading?
Thursday, 23 June 2011
10d the BIG Question...
When the Glazer family bought the majority of shares in Manchester United they chose to take Machester United plc off the stock market and changed its legal structure to a private limited company (ltd). This meant that only people the Glazers invited to buy shares in Manchester United could do so whereas when the football club was a public limited company anybody could buy shares. The key shareholders in Manchester United are Malcolm Glazer and his sons. Question: Why do you think the Glazers chose to take Man Utd off the stock market and run it as a private limited company instead of as a public limited company?
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
10d Big question
Read the Cadbury plc case study on page 179. Note that this case study was written before Cadbury was taken over by Kraft Food plc in 2010. What was different about the way Cadbury grew in 1969 to how it grew in its first hundred and forty five years of trading?
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
10d the BIG Question...
Read the 'Going to a small claims court' case study carefully on page 144. When debtors (people who owe you money) default on payments this can have a 'domino effect' of cashflow problems along the supply chain. i) Explain, using the scenario of the case study what we mean by 'domino effect'. ii) What options does David have if he is to avoid defaulting on paying the bathroom supplier?
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
10d the BIG question...
Read case study on page 165 of the black books. offer a service (as opposed to a 'good') and therefore good customer service is extremely important for them. Describe two ways in which Tours4 offers a good service to its customers.
10A the BIG question
Read case study on page 165 of the black books. offer a service (as opposed to a 'good') and therefore good customer service is extremely important for them. Describe two ways in which Tours4 offers a good service to its customers.
Thursday, 19 May 2011
10d the BIG question...
Read the Farmhouse Fare' case study carefully on page 150. Why do you think Helen chooses to make cakes by hand? What do you think the disadvantages of making them this way are? Read the Farmhouse Fare' case study carefully on page 150. Why do you think Helen chooses to make cakes by hand? What do you think the disadvantages of making them this way are?
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
10d the BIG question
Read this article
What do you think the impact on the local economy around West Ham football club will be?
What do you think the impact on the local economy around West Ham football club will be?
The BIG question...
Read the 'Going to a small claims court' case study carefully on page 144. When debtors (people who owe you money) default on payments this can have a 'domino effect' of cashflow problems along the supply chain. i) Explain, using the scenario of the case study what we mean by 'domino effect'. ii) What options does David have if he is to avoid defaulting on paying the bathroom supplier?
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
10A the BIG question...
Read the case study on page 139. Try and spot four things that Stan said which you think are illegal in employment law.
10d the BIG question
Read the case study on page 139. Try and spot four things that Stan said which you think are illegal in employment law.
Monday, 9 May 2011
10A the BIG question...
Read the Richer Sounds Case Study on page 134. Do you like the idea of working for a company with the approach to people management that Richer sounds has? Explain your answer.
Thursday, 5 May 2011
10D the BIG question...
Read the Richer Sounds Case Study on page 134. Do you like the idea of working for a company with the approach to people management that Richer sounds has? Explain your answer.
Monday, 2 May 2011
11X the BIG question...
Employees of the public sector (government owned organisations) , including teachers, are preparing to take industrial action to protect their pay, retirement age and pensions. Over the bank holiday weekend the NAHT (Head Teachers' Union) voted to poll members on taking industrial action if the proposed pension changes are enforced.
"They say changes being proposed will mean they will have to work longer for less money and that, on average, a head teacher will lose about £100,000 from their pension."
The BIG questions:
1) What might happen to the motivation levels of teachers and head teachers if the changes to pensions and pay freeze do go ahead?
2) Good pensions and an early retirement age have been an important factor in recruiting teachers as the basic pay is not as good as could be earned in similar jobs in the private sector. What might the impact of these changes be on teacher recruitment?
11D the BIG question...
Employees of the public sector (government owned organisations) , including teachers, are preparing to take industrial action to protect their pay, retirement age and pensions. Over the bank holiday weekend the NAHT (Head Teachers' Union) voted to poll members on taking industrial action if the proposed pension changes are enforced.
"They say changes being proposed will mean they will have to work longer for less money and that, on average, a head teacher will lose about £100,000 from their pension."
The BIG questions:
1) What might happen to the motivation levels of teachers and head teachers if the changes to pensions and pay freeze do go ahead?
2) Good pensions and an early retirement age have been an important factor in recruiting teachers as the basic pay is not as good as could be earned in similar jobs in the private sector. What might the impact of these changes be on teacher recruitment?
10d the BIG question...
Employees of the public sector (government owned organisations) , including teachers, are preparing to take industrial action to protect their pay, retirement age and pensions. Over the bank holiday weekend the NAHT (Head Teachers' Union) voted to poll members on taking industrial action if the proposed pension changes are enforced.
"They say changes being proposed will mean they will have to work longer for less money and that, on average, a head teacher will lose about £100,000 from their pension."
The BIG questions:
1) What might happen to the motivation levels of teachers and head teachers if the changes to pensions and pay freeze do go ahead?
2) Good pensions and an early retirement age have been an important factor in recruiting teachers as the basic pay is not as good as could be earned in similar jobs in the private sector. What might the impact of these changes be on teacher recruitment?
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
10a the BIG question...
Read the article:
Explain how it can be that Amazon's profits have fallen but their sales have risen. What could have caused this?
10d the BIG question...
Read the article:
Explain how it can be that Amazon's profits have fallen but their sales have risen. What could have caused this?
11X the BIG question...
Read the article:
Explain how it can be that Amazon's profits have fallen but their sales have risen. What could have caused this?
11D the BIG question...
Read the article:
Explain how it can be that Amazon's profits have fallen but their sales have risen. What could have caused this?
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
10d The BIG question
Why do small businesses often have trouble raising the finance they need? Read page 41-42 in the black books. How might having a detailed business plan give banks/venture capitalists the confidence to loan a small business money?
Monday, 4 April 2011
10d The BIG Question
Read the 'Panto' case study on page 116 of the Black business books. Summarise briefly why the Panto sometimes has negative cashflow (more money going out than coming in). Should the panto be concerned by these periods of negative cash flow?
Sunday, 3 April 2011
11D the BIG question...
Read and vote (use the poll to the right of this post).
Complete one of the following sentences (depending on your view):
I think shared maternity/paternity leave is a good idea and will be successful because...
I think shared maternity/paternity leave is a bad idea and will fail because...
11X the BIG question...
Read and vote (use the poll to the right of this post).
Complete one of the following sentences (depending on your view):
I think shared maternity/paternity leave is a good idea and will be successful because...
I think shared maternity/paternity leave is a bad idea and will fail because...
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
11D The BIG question
What has happened to the business's net profit and why?
10 a Big Question
Read this article and then summarise in one sentence how the government are going to help support businesses starting up.
Sunday, 27 March 2011
10a The BIG question
Read this article and then summarise in one sentence how the government are going to help support businesses starting up.
10d The BIG question
Read this article and then summarise in one sentence how the government are going to help support businesses starting up.
Thursday, 24 March 2011
11X the BIG question...
Explain why net assets and capital employed must always balance. If it helps, use an example.
11D the BIG question...
Explain why net assets and capital employed must always balance. If it helps, use an example.
11x The BIG question
If you buy a bag of haribo for £1.99 and you give the cashier £10 what do you expect in return?
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
10d The BIG question
Many businesses like to carry some debt and think in the long run it will make them more money. Why do you think this might be?
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
11d The BIG question
In the context of Break Even, what is meant by contribution?
11x The BIG question
In the context of Break Even, what is meant by contribution?
Monday, 14 March 2011
10d the BIG question
What was the last thing you bought because you were persuaded by an advert or promotional offer? Give the product and the promotional method used.
10a The Big Question
What was the last thing you bought because you were persuaded by an advert or promotional offer? Give the product and the promotional method used.
Sunday, 13 March 2011
11d The BIG question
Japan is the originator of lean production. Explain how the recent Earthquake might cause businesses that are very lean to stop producing all together.
11x The BIG question
Japan is the originator of lean production. Explain how the recent Earthquake might cause businesses that are very lean to stop producing all together.
Thursday, 10 March 2011
10D BIG Question
What factors contribute to making a product successful?
11x. The BIG question
What can a production manager do to stop a business from making a loss and start breaking even? Give at least three actions.
11d the BIG question
What can a production manager do to stop a business from making a loss and start breaking even? Give at least three actions they could take.
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
11d, The BIG Question
When is a loan a better option than an overdraft?
10d the BIG question
'The price of a product or service is not as important as the features/quality of the product or service': Discuss.
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
11D BIG Question
If a business has a period of negative cashflow (more money going out than coming in) does this necessarily mean the business is perfoming badly? What can businesses do to prepare for times of negative cash flow?
10A BIG Question
'The price of a product or service is not as important as the features/quality of the product or service': Discuss.
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
11x the BIG question
If a business has a period of negative cashflow (more money going out than coming in) does this necessarily mean the business is perfoming badly? What can businesses do to prepare for times of negative cash flow?
Monday, 28 February 2011
10D the BIG question
'The price of a product or service is not as important as the features/quality of the product or service': Discuss.
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
11D the BIG question...

Why do you think some businesses choose to locate near competitors or other similar businesses? Try and think of three reasons...
11x the BIG question...

Why do you think some businesses choose to locate near competitors or other similar businesses? Try and think of three reasons...
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
10A BIG question
Why do you think the Sainsbury's superstore in Farnham chose to locate in Waterlane? Try and think of at least three factors that may have influenced this decision.
Don't forget to add your name to your post
Don't forget to add your name to your post
Monday, 7 February 2011
11X the BIG question...
What were the main factors that affect where businesses locate, which you learned in yesterday's lesson?
Include your name in your post.
11D the BIG question...
Why do you think the Sainsbury's superstore in Farnham chose to locate in Waterlane? Try and think of at least three factors that may have influenced this decision.
Don't forget to add your name to your post
10d the BIG question...
Why do you think the Sainsbury's superstore in Farnham chose to locate in Waterlane?Try and think of at least three factors that may have influenced this decision.
Don't forget to add your name to your post.
the Big Question
Why did the big sainsbury's in waterlane locate where it has?
Thursday, 3 February 2011
the BIG question
What do you tink about this? Is it a good idea? Will it affect your chcolate buying decisions?
the BIG question
What would you expect to happen to a business's average costs (average costs = total costs/number of units produced) as the business gets bigger? Explain your answer.
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Monday, 31 January 2011
the BIG question
There is growing pressure on the Bank of England to raise interest rates. How might a raise in interest rates effect your family? Will it be good or bad? Or both?
the BIG question
Why is it important for a business to know its breakeven point?
the BIG question
Why is it important for a business to know its breakeven point?
Thursday, 27 January 2011
The Big question
Is it more expensive or does it just cost more, At first glance this statement might seem like it does not make sense. Can you make sense of it? Try and explain what this might be saying?
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