Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Twitter lesson

Year 9 ict Tweeters tweet me something you have learned this lesson.


  1. I have learnt how to put a twitter account "follow me" Button on my blog the only thing is i dont have twitter :-(

  2. I learnt this lesson about adding widgets to my blog spot like twitter. YOu can also add a widget to facebook too.

  3. I have learnt how to add twitter related gadgets onto my blog and how to paste the hyperlink of my blog onto my twitter. :)

  4. I thought it was good because I have learnt how to put a twitter button on my blog So that everyone can follow me also i have learnt to post blogs onto my twitter if i like them :D

  5. HEEEEEY. I've learnt how to add gadgets to my blogger account. :D

  6. Today we are finding out about Twitter. You can copy blog posts to Twitter Facebook or E-mail it. :)

  7. i have learnt how to send blogs to twitter by blogspot

  8. This lesson i have learned how to add gadgets to my blog and created a button on my blog linked to twitter.

  9. Today I have learnt how to post gadgets onto my blog page that are related to twitter. I ahve also posted a comment on another twitter account from my blog :)

  10. i've learnt that twitter has a character limit in its blogs

  11. this lesson i have learnt how to add gadgets to my blog :)

  12. Today I learnt that any post you have made in blogger you can post it onto twitter to. :)

  13. this was a good lesson
    i learnt this lesson about widgets and adding them to my blog spot. you can also add a widget to facebook too and twitter.............:D:D:DD:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

  14. this lesson i have learnt how to add a follow button on my blogger page for twitter to acess. i have also learnt how to pass posts from my blogspot account to my twitter page and have other people see it.

  15. i have learnt that you can have as meny gadets on your blog as you want

  16. i have learnt how to use your blogspot to send tweets

  17. I have learnt this lesson how to add gadgets and how to make posts from your blog apper on twitter and how to see things on twitter from your blog. dan.prior

  18. In lesson today i learnt how to post something and it comes up on twitter! :)

  19. this lesson i have learnt to write a post on blogger then hyperlink it to twitter (even though i dont have twitter)

  20. the lesson was good and we learnt how to put twitter on a blog

  21. Mason king

    The owner will be held personally responsibly for any debts by the company. this can lead to the owner loosing personal items such as their home. furhter more if the company gets sued so does the owner and even a co-onwer meaning they all can loose homes, money or any personal items.

  22. Joshua Best
    Unlimited Liability can have negative consequences because the business and its owner share legal information - so if the owner got into legal trouble, (or other problems such as heavy debt) the business would be affected as well.
