Thursday, 27 January 2011

The Big question

Is it more expensive or does it just cost more, At first glance this statement might seem like it does not make sense. Can you make sense of it? Try and explain what this might be saying?


  1. this question is CRAZZZZYYYY but i belive that it is trying to say that the product itself does not become more expensive its just the inflation means that the cost may go up one or two pence.

  2. i think that it is trying to say that the product itself does not become more expensive its just the inflation means that the cost may go up one or two pence.

  3. it is saying does the pruduct become more expensive to buy just the people who make it decide to put the price up, or does the cost of the object just cost more to produse, because of the inflation. that everything goes up, and the company dont have a choice to put it up, although they can decide to keep i cheap they woul;d loose money on it.

  4. thank you for all your wonderful comments ps BANNANS ROCK

  5. I dont believe the product itself isnt worth more but it just costs more because of inflation in the economy prices of products go up.

    Bill = nutter

  6. when the inflation goes up the cost of something goes up and but the expensive of it stays the same in conmparason to evrything else in the shop because all of there costs go up too.
    i agree this question is CRAZZZYYY

  7. this statement isnt just repeating itself, this is showing that a product could cost more but it depends on inflation whether it is more expensive as the value of the pound. if the value of the pound its high, then that means that it isnt expensive as it just costs the same as it did before

  8. i think its saying that their was inflation so it went up 2% each year ! ! ! ! ! !

  9. It isnt more expensive, it just costs more to buy as the inflation has made the products cost more but it doesnt mean that the products are worth the amount of money that has been showen.

  10. it is just more cost not just expensive. because if it is expensive it costs loads but if it is a cost it is a little bit of money of how that inflation affects the price of the costs making it not expensive at all it is just the rate of inflation affecting it.

  11. it costs more because if it was more expensive this measn that it is only one particular item. so the item will cost more because inflation is making EVERYTHING cost more. :)

  12. I think it is trying to say that the product may be too expsensive, or the might be that the inflation is going up.

  13. If something is expensive it is worth a lot of money, whereas a cost could be ambiguous and not specific to the price of something. (?)

  14. A product could be cost more but it depends on infaltion whether it is more expensive as the value of the pound changes. It could be several pounds for a product but if the pound isn't worth very much then it costs more but it's not as expensive.

  15. Inflation goes up.

  16. inflation is what make the item more expensive it does not mean that the item is expensive itself.

  17. How expensive the product is does not change, how much money is worth goes up and down with inflation. Although you may be paying more, the value of the product stays the same.

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